Reptile Health (Issues & Injury)

Reptile Health Issues & Injury

This is a neutral educational page about health and injuries.  By no means is any of this education a jab to anyone that has ever mistreated a reptile.  Reptile Empress firmly believes that you cannot be perfect, and mistakes do happen.  There are always new things to learn with an ever-growing hobby and further research.  On this page, we will go over issues you may come across being in this hobby or injuries you may come across.  The first issue I want to go over is expected in this hobby, and that is obesity.  There are direct ways to tell if your reptile is becoming obese, and every lizard is not the same & feedings can be adjusted to make their lives longer and healthier. 

Here is a list of the things I will go over for now:

There will be more in the future when I collect more examples and verify I have the most up-to-date info. 

Example Picture Disclaimer

I have not had an issue with my volunteers being disrespected, but I must put the strict rules here for preventative measures.  For the photos I received, I have asked the owner’s permission to post their pictures.  Names may be absent if the owner wishes to remain anonymous because it is the owner’s choice to stay anonymous.  The volunteers have sent me pictures to educate YOU, the reader, so you must be respectful.  No witch-hunting, and you are FULLY discouraged to keep threats and rude comments to yourself about our brave owners that shared their pictures.  All owners with sick or hurt reptiles are likely sad about the incident and do not deserve any disrespect.  No witch-hunting will be toleratedThis will not be a toxic community, and I chose to broadcast health info to help reptile owners neutrally and educationally.

What happens when you witch hunt a volunteer?

To better describe how serious I am about asking readers not to go out of their way to attack a volunteer on my website.  When I do get screenshotted chats of your witch-hunt on a volunteer, I will broadcast your poor behavior on this website, and you will be black-listed from any sales from me & anyone else that feels you aren’t stable enough to own a reptile 🙂  If I had not clarified myself, please browse through the health pages respectfully.